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Music and Money with C Squared: EZ

The C Squared Music takeover continues! This time, we're talking with intern and heavy metal vocalist Ez, straight outta the land down under...

Tell our readers all about yourself! Where are you from and when did you get started? Hey! So I’m Ez and I’m from a country town called Bendigo, in Australia. I’m total “fresh meat” at C Squared and to music PR altogether! I’m just starting to dip my toes in the waters of my internship under the guidance of the other amazing C Squared crew.

What are your goals? To be able to be an ally for heavy bands navigating this minefield of trying to become discovered. I also want to learn more about the ins and outs of how this side of the industry works. As I previously said, I’m so new to it all and have been leaning so much. I love the networking side of things (probably because I love to talk!) and I also love utilizing social media to create hype and good vibes.

My personal goals are to have my band’s music reach as many ears as possible and to start gigging regularly again (bugger off, COVID!)

Do you have a day job? If so, what is it? Yes, I do. I’m a veterinary nurse and have been doing this for around 16 years.

How do you balance your work and personal life with C Squared? You want the truth? Chaotically! My own band Spacegoat is in the middle of a release campaign at the moment, which has made life feel super hectic. I’m looking forward to that tapering off somewhat so that I can delve further into work with C Squared.

What do you consider to be the best investment you've made, career wise? Paying professionals to record us. It’s tempting to want to DIY or get your mates to help you these days, but I think working with professionals on both of our EP’s has been a smart move on many levels. Did we fork out for a high end studio? No. But we didn’t cheap out, either and we chose our recording engineer wisely. We’ve ended up with products we’re really satisfied with and that represent our music professionally. We also paid for a one off consult with a band coach which really put us on the right path when we had reached a crossroads of “to stay a hobby band or get effing serious.” Spoiler : We’re getting effing serious!

What's the worst or least helpful thing you've ever spent money on in your career in the music industry? I forked out a fair bit of cash for a fancy video camera with intentions to be able to do high quality audio and visual media, and quickly discovered it was far beyond my capabilities to utilise this thing properly! I used it maybe a handful of times then it gathered dust for a while before I sold it, and purchased a vocal effects unit which was much more worth the money!

What kind of merch do you purchase most often as a music listener? T-shirts, although when I have the option I will ALWAYS prefer a singlet/tank top. More bands need to offer them!

Which online music or social media platforms are most helpful to you? Honestly, I think they all have their place. I know Spotify is a dirty word to some, but I just love it’s convenience. So for listening to music, it’s always my go-to, and probably YouTube a close second, to get a feel for bands via their visuals. I think Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are all equally valuable in getting a sense of the “personality” behind bands and artists. I find Twitter best for interaction.

What does "making it" in the music industry mean to you? Oh gosh. I think having a legitimate fan base. You know, people who genuinely like your music and care about what you’re doing, and not because they feel obligated to support you because they’re your mum or your mates! To gain a significant fan base for our music would feel like “making it” for me.


To learn more about budgeting, band finances, and more, order Money Hacks for Metalheads and Old Millennials in paperback and ebook formats:

And don't forget to follow Alternative Control and Metalhead Money's 2021 coverage playlist on Spotify!


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